A list of known Queen's Game words.
A note on the format: the words are listed in "corpse-first" arrangement (that is, the beheaded word is followed by the list of equivalent words that behead to it) to aid in grouping equivalent words together and avoiding duplication. I'm more willing to admit questionable words than Jim (the originator of the concept) is; in particular, I allow proper nouns and foreign words if I particularly like them. Such questionable items are marked with a *.
If the pre- and post-beheadment words appear to rhyme, try pronouncing one of them differently.
- ache <— cache
- after <— wafter
- ague <— vague
- aid <— said
- allow <— fallow
- ally <— rally
- amine <— famine
- anal <— banal
- anger <— danger
- ants <— wants
- any <— zany
- are <— hare
- argon <— jargon
- arm <— warm
- arrant <— warrant
- articulate <— particulate
- arts <— warts
- ascent <— nascent
- ash <— wash
- asp <— wasp
- astern <— eastern
- aunt <— haunt
- ave <— have *
- ave <— save *
- bony <— ebony
- ear <— bear
- ease <— cease/lease (see "lease" below)
- egress <— regress
- egret <— regret
- enchant <— penchant
- enfold <— tenfold
- ere <— sere
- ether <— tether
- even <— seven
- evil <— devil
- ewer <— sewer
- gain <— again
- gate <— agate
- hall <— shall
- hat <— what
- have <— shave
- heist <— theist
- here <— there
- his <— this
- hoe <— shoe
- holly <— wholly
- hove <— shove
- how <— show
- imply <— simply
- inter <— winter
- into <— pinto
- irate <— pirate
- iterate <— literate
- lacier <— glacier
- laid <— plaid
- land <— eland
- laughter <— slaughter
- lavish <— slavish
- lead <— plead
- lease <— please
- limb <— climb
- live <— alive
- live <— olive
- lose <— close
- lough <— plough *
- lough <— slough *
- lover <— plover
- low <— plow
- mage <— image
- micron <— omicron
- migrant <— emigrant
- nary <— unary
- now <— know
- offer <— coffer
- older <— solder
- omen <— women
- omit <— vomit
- on <— won
- one <— gone
- one <— bone/zone
- ouch <— touch
- our <— dour/tour
- our <— four/pour/your
- our <— hour/sour
- our <— jour *
- oven <— woven
- over <— cover
- over <— mover
- overage <— coverage
- ower <— bower
- owl <— bowl
- own <— down
- pear <— spear
- range <— orange
- read <— bread
- resent <— present
- rough <— trough
- row <— prow
- sable <— usable
- sage <— usage
- union <— bunion
- use <— fuse
- usher <— pusher
- yes <— eyes
(Last modified 4/27/97)