
I recently heard about Netflix’s fan event, known as Tudum. But I wasn’t sure how to pronounce that word, nor what it meant. Took me a while, but I eventually found out, from a 2021 article:

Netflix subscribers know the "tudum" sound when they hear it, but maybe not how to spell it until now. The word refers to the famous two-beat sound that can be heard whenever you start a new show or movie on Netflix[…]

So it’s onomatopoeia. I’m still not certain how the vowels are pronounced, but at least now I get the general idea of how the word is supposed to sound.

One Response to “tudum”

  1. David Sanders

    Ta Dum, or TuhDum, might have sounded better than, if equally unknown at first, TooDumb, don’t ya think?

    Having looked at the site, though, not bad. Interesting info If I find the need and the time for it. Ta Dum!


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