Turn, turn, turn
In Which Your Humble Blogger doesn’t seem to be able to make a coherent note out of all this, but maybe Gentle Readers will help a fellow out.
In Which Your Humble Blogger doesn’t seem to be able to make a coherent note out of all this, but maybe Gentle Readers will help a fellow out.
In Which Your Humble Blogger got a little off-track, but found a blog note somewhere in there anyway.
In Which Your Humble Blogger seems to be on a theme. Which is more like a groove than a rut, I hope.
In Which Your Humble Blogger finds his supper waiting for him. And it’s still hot.
In Which Your Humble Blogger realizes that it sounds more like a sitcom pitch than a scriptural inquiry.
In Which Your Humble Blogger doesn’t mean to imply that musical instruments aren’t pretty awesome, and expensive, too.
In Which Your Humble Blogger finds echoes, echoes, echoes.
In Which Your Humble Blogger has postponed the embiggening of this Tohu Bohu for long enough, even though (as the proverb goes) the more blogging the more mistrakes.
In Which Your Humble Blogger wasn’t actually intending it as a Martin reference, but let it stand, let it stand.
In Which Your Humble Blogger is slow, which is different from being new but not exclusive to it.