In Which Your Humble Blogger lay down and wept, and wept, and wept, for thee, Zion.
In Which Your Humble Blogger could also have worked something about counting the omer, but yeesh it's already a thousand words innit.
In Which Your Humble Blogger takes a deep breath, thank goodness.
In Which Your Humble Blogger directs the imagination back, not forward, which is perhaps at least a little bit easier.
In Which Your Humble Blogger leaves out that 'Jonah' means 'dove', and what Jonah has in common with the other dove that experiences a Scriptural storm at sea is left as an exercise for the reader.
In Which Your Humble Blogger missed it.
In Which Your Humble Blogger ayn dovar alayn davar, but still almost five hundred words, because seriously who has that kind of strength?
In Which Your Humble Blogger has experience in these matters.
In Which Your Humble Blogger believes in being headed somewhere, so long as we don’t fool ourselves into believing we’re getting somewhere.
In Which Your Humble Blogger had never previously imagined Cary Grant as Mattithias/Matisyahu but is now far too amused.