The Old Perfessor, I mean, ranting crazy man
In Which Your Humble Blogger has some buttons, and sometimes people press them. You know?
In Which Your Humble Blogger has some buttons, and sometimes people press them. You know?
In Which Your Humble Blogger just sits behind the desk and checks books in and out, so I don’t really have a dog in that proverbial, anyway.
In Which Your Humble Blogger comes over all librarianish for some reason, despite knowing that librarians ask crowds of librarians for such things all the time.
In Which Your Humble Blogger didn’t come here to fuck around, I came here to smoke! Then I reach across the table and I grab your bony sleeves, and I crumble your body between my hands like dried and brittle leaves, and I flick out all your teeth and bones like useless stems and seeds, and I roll you in a Zig-zag, and light you like a roach. And so on, and so forth.
In Which Your Humble Blogger should probably just be grateful that somebody else is carrying the books up the stairs.
In Which Your Humble Blogger is on the lunar calendar, like a civilized person.
In Which Your Humble Blogger gripes, like a big griping griper.
In Which Your Humble Blogger is cranky, and cranks.
In Which Your Humble Blogger lacks self-restraint, and seeks restraint elsewhere.
In Which Your Humble Blogger just wants you to please go now.