In Which Your Humble Blogger doesn't mind most of the rule changes, but is still angry about the ghost runners.
In Which Your Humble Blogger predicted, ten years ago, that Matt Cain would be the best pitcher ever to drop off the Hall of Fame ballot after one year. Probably not, but he might be the greatest pitcher ever to get zero HoF votes.
In Which Your Humble Blogger would absolutely eat an extra-long Farmer John hot dog (called D*dgerdogs at the park) in memory.
In Which Your Humble Blogger ruminates about the changes in the game.
In Which the National League Division Series doesn't actually decide who wins the Division.
In Which Your Humble Blogger still feels that it is entirely inappropriate to be endangering the well-being of Jon Miller by playing baseball, but at least he's not traveling with the team.
In Which Your Humble Blogger also thinks it's a little odd that baseball teams don't all have their own team songs.
In Which Your Humble Blogger can actually do a pretty good impression of Geoff Boycott, if it comes to that.
In Which Your Humble Blogger sticks to his crackpot notions, because what’s the point in being a crackpot, really, if you’re going to let experience change your mind?
In Which Your Humble Blogger never thought they were quite that good, but thinks they probably really are this bad.