Category: Art
Gbavo indeed
In Which Your Humble Blogger began this note long before somebody else, but is all slow and stuff, what with all the verbiage and outrage and sausage and so on.
Beckett and Still, Kaufman and Cole
In Which Your Humble Blogger thinks that two different things may be like two other different things in some ways, but not in others. Could be wrong, though.
Bounce, Charlie Brown, Bounce!
In Which Your Humble Blogger thinks they should have gone for another four metres just to match the slide.
In Which Your Humble Blogger is perplexed. Perplexity! I am now making my perplexed face. See?
A day late, and a dollar short
In Which Your Humble Blogger figures better late than never.
Behind the Door
In Which Your Humble Blogger is at a bit of a disadvantage, what with the eyeglasses and all.
Drawing on walls
In Which Your Humble Blogger raves.
Coffee, Books, Art
In Which Your Humble Blogger lays down the law (or, really, more of a guideline).
Don’t beat time, eat time!
In Which Your Humble Blogger asks the nice Chronophage not to eat the whole day. At least not all at once.