Archive for Hearthlight
A note to let George and Helen know that two of the foster kids had bullied me once.
General life updates from Marcy, on a fairly wide variety of topics. “How I would love to be typing this[,] so you could read it as well as having it—but ya can’t have everything, I guess.”
A dozen daily lists of things that Marcy was grateful for.
The only recipe that I have in Marcy’s handwriting.
In which Jed writes his name, the alphabet, some book titles, and some knock-knock jokes.
In which we get a foster dog, and Marcy and Robert and the dog do a late-night drive to pick up George from the airport. “they’d been adopted by ‘the most wonderful puppy in the world’ but their landlady was very uptight about dogs…”
More kid art by Jay, with description. This time: ducks, trucks, and dolphins.
A thank-you note and general life update from Marcy. “Peter just gave me a haircut—looks good but it’s a little too short—’Quin got one, too, but Jed is still a longhair.”
A letter from Marcy during a trip (with me and Jay) to see Marcy’s mother in Philadelphia. “Vacations sure are nice—nice when they’re over, too.”
A note from Jay by way of Marcy. “The people that ‘gave’ me my new shoes gave me a balloon, and it never popped, but once it did.”