Letters from Marcy #18: 17 December 1965

Marcy’s last letter from Southern California. A big gap here, about six weeks since the previous letter.

Apparently Marcy wasn’t thrilled with the SoCal weather. “really sorry I believed all those proselytizers who still keep saying it never rains here, drowning in the puddles (there are no drainage facilities as it never rains here) while in the midst of saying so.”


                                          [pencil: 12/17/65]

h'ro. Just got a note inviting me to a celebration in honor
of the marriage of Peggy Price with Elliot Welch....will be
sunday afternoon and I think I'll actually get there.
figured out that the only way to get in all my obligations
is to spend the weekend uptown, tomorrow with Sally's
brother, his wife and their kids, sunday with Sara and
Stelle (who fell and sprained her ankle or something on
monday) and all, returning all the household materia I
borrowed and paying respects all 'round.

possibly leaving on wednesday, Mary will drive me to Tucson
(I think) where I'll spend a couple' days, than join her in
Santa Fe (her parents and family are coming out there to
spend christmas with her and relatives) and drive back to
school from there. from Sta Fe to Ohio will cost nothing as
Mary's mother will be driving with us and will want to stop
at motels and realizes how poor her daughter and associates
are and how well-fixed she is. Will get to Phila weekend of
Jan 8/9 or 15/16.

All this is provided: no other rides come through; Sally
doesn't arrive unexpectedly as she was planning to do; I
don't die of cruddy messy cold that is currently keeping me
well drugged with antihistamines.

kind of concerned about not having heard from you in lo
thesemany weeks, but when I spoke to Sara on monday she said
you'd called sunday night and all was well, so, knowing full
well how hard it is to write letters when you're not in the
mood (hope all fingers and eyes and similar appurtenances
are all in good shape by now) I am most forgiving.

Funny thing about those clippings you sent. Joel Aber (who
graduated from Antioch) and Carl Gilbert are the two most
singularly obnoxious professional liberals I've had the
misfortune to know. Too bad that they should be the voice of
xxxxxxx the viet nam people at the citty's two big schools.
Glad to see Dr. Rutman back into things again.

Sunny southern california is rainy and cold. I bought a
rather good car coat for $1 at some church rummage sale at
which I furnished my kitchen (plates and etc) for about
70¢.....so am nice and warm. really sorry I believed all
those proselytizers who still keep saying it never rains
here, drowning in the puddles (there are no x drainage
facilities as it never rains here) while in the midst of
saying so. ah, only 3 more days of work, tra la.

company comin', have to go....happy hanukah, merry
christmas, good etc.

                                  [handwritten: love, Marcia]


Postmark: 18 Dec, 1965, Los Angeles, Calif. Handwritten: “Rec’d this Mon. 12/20/65” and various other notes-to-self from Ethel.

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