Archive for Science
I watched 55 of the recorded panels and presentations from this year’s Worldcon; here are my six favorites.
I've seen several potentially misleading graphs in articles lately, so here's a reminder of a couple of common y-axis issues:...
A few weeks ago, I decided to take a look at the book of The Martian. I hadn't had much...
I just encountered this nifty way to easily square numbers in your head: To calculate n2 for n between 40...
There's a lovely 7-minute feel-good video that purports to reproduce a scientific study that, the video says, proves that the...
I've seen a couple of people complain about the new Trek movies not being very scientific, which led me to...
Happened across this while looking up something else: But being a dissenter from orthodoxy is not difficult; the hard part...
Some technical and vaguely tech-related items, mostly from a couple months back: IBM discovers the business value of editors. OkCupid...