Archive for Improving Society
This is a long impassioned post in which I try to come to the defense of Marvel comics. The TL;DR...
Long but fascinating article about the effectiveness of various means of contacting US members of Congress. It contradicts some things...
Today is a Day of Remembrance: the 75th anniversary of FDR's executive order to incarcerate Japanese Americans. A bunch of...
Yesterday, I attended a really useful-to-me presentation titled "Activism 101: Finding your voice in government," about how to engage with...
Pete Seeger died three years ago yesterday, so my post about him came up in my Facebook history today. It...
Every now and then, I stop at a stoplight behind a long line of cars, and I see a homeless...
I'm finally reading Judith Merril's groundbreaking 1968 anthology England Swings SF. Here are some thoughts. i probably ought to...
Back in 2003, I noted that when future-setting sf characters refer to “an ancient Terran word,” they nearly always mean...
I've seen several potentially misleading graphs in articles lately, so here's a reminder of a couple of common y-axis issues:...
I'm reading Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction of the Year from 1972, and most of the stories in it, although...
A new entry in my weekly Strange Horizons retrospective: “Rapture,” by Sally Gwylan A slow-building story of idealist leftist anarchists...
I'm really looking forward to the new Ultimates comic book series. The team will consist of Ms. America, Black Panther,...