Archive for Humor
Strange New Worlds joke
A Hundred Necessary Rules of Conduct for Children
Twain on freedom and revolution
Busy weekend
I haven't posted a life update here in ages. Not sure why; just haven't felt the urge, I guess. Rather...
Agents of SHIELD political commentary
I've been really enjoying the current storyline in Agents of SHIELD. It's doing a virtual-reality take on a sort of...
SH Flashback: “Let Us Now Praise Awesome Dinosaurs,” by Leonard Richardson
A new entry in my weekly Strange Horizons retrospective. This week's Strange Horizons Flashback story: “Let Us Now Praise Awesome...
Queering Fluellen
Last night, I rewatched the Branagh Henry V, which led me to look some stuff up in the original play....
The Vampire Attacks
Timothy shivered, and not only because of the chilly March winds. In the pre-dawn light, he could just make out...
Hamilton cast album!
Back in May, I posted about Hamilton, the new hip-hop Broadway musical about Alexander Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Ever since...
Tech is bad, nature is good
For a long time, we've been reading stories and books about how things mediated through technology are bad and being...