Archive for Customer Service
Thanks to Matt at Things tech support
I've been using the task-list-management app Things since 2009. It's far from perfect, but it's the only to-do-list software that...
Supporting my local multiplex
I go to one or two movies a month in theatres these days. Most of the time, I go to...
Bay Area electrician recommendation
A couple of months ago, I finally got around to calling an electrician to deal with about a dozen small...
Authorized charges
Just saw this in AT&T's Wireless Terms of Service for California customers: You are not liable for charges you did...
Disneyland questions
A year ago, I saw a video made by Disney, some kind of management-training sort of thing. It had various...
Nobody here by that name
I've had three answering-machine messages in the past few weeks from Home Decorators Collection. They were calling to ask that...
Open letter re open doors
Dear Businesses, I am not telepathic. I realize that this puts me at a disadvantage to the general population, most...
Persistence of Smithsonian
The previous owner of my house is still on the Smithsonian catalog mailing list. As those of you who've been...
Getting-things-wrong week
The insomnia thing is back. This past year, it's been a big relief that, for the most part, despite all...
Speaking of good customer service
I'll start with backstory, even though it's not really relevant: The other morning when I came downstairs, I found the...
Customer service praise: DHL
I ordered the latest version of the Encyclopedia Britannica on DVD sometime last week. They shipped it from Ohio using...