Archive for Conventions
At MidAmeriCon, I'll be on four panels (two of which I'm moderating). I also hope to attend most of the...
I meant to post the other day to say that the community stepped forward and met my $2500 matching donation...
With three days left, we're nearly halfway to the matching goal! Many thanks to everyone who's donated. If you haven't...
I posted yesterday offering to match donations to the WisCon Member Assistant Fund, to help people attend WisCon when they...
Short version of this post: Please help people attend WisCon by donating to the Member Assistance Fund! I will match...
Yesterday morning, I attended the second WSFS Business Meeting of the convention. Assorted instances of parliamentary procedure (someone made bingo...
If you're at Worldcon and you care about the Hugos, please come to the WSFS Business Meetings; the first one...
Had an odd and kind of off-kilter day yesterday. Did some day-job work in the morning, then a playtesting round...
Spent the weekend at FOGcon, as planned. It went fairly well. Friday afternoon, I took a half-day off and headed...
World Fantasy Convention is this weekend in Washington, D.C. I'm not there, but a lot of my friends are, including...
I already posted about the day before WorldCon, and the first day of the con, but it looks like I...
Didn't sleep well or enough last night, mostly due to my pointlessly fretting about Mary Anne's ongoing cough (and about...