Archive for Commonplace Book
I'm reading William Tenn's 1958 story "Eastward Ho!" (as reprinted in the 60th-anniversary volume The Very Best of Fantasy &...
Nice line from an article about Steven Soderbergh's films: [...] nearly every heist movie—predicated on an elaborate and improbable plan...
I was watching Gilmore Girls while entering subs into the database tonight, and encountered this exchange: Doyle: Man, I hate...
The Short Sisters' version of "It's a Pleasure to Know You" just came up on iTunes as I was packing,...
Recently came across an interesting footnote about tourism (specifically about Americans being tourists in small-town or rural America) in David...
Way back in late 2000 or early 2001, Palo Alto mainstay Stacey's Bookstore was having a going-out-of-business sale, and Nao...
As Robert Benchley once said: Great literature must spring from an upheaval in the author's soul. If that upheaval is...
Cute bit from Overheard in New York: The United Nations, Encapsulated Dude #1: They have been underestimating my power. Dude...
I'm most of the way through re-reading the original Earthsea trilogy. This morning, came across a line I particularly liked:...
Found while trying to decide whether to keep various paperbacks from among my father's books: It is not always a...
Peter Dickinson is probably best known in sf circles for the fictional-science book The Flight of Dragons and the kids'...
Another thing I just found in old email. Dirge Without Music by Edna St. Vincent Millay; from The Buck in...