Assorted updates
I feel like there are dozens of things I want to post here, but I have a lot of time-sensitive day-job work to do today, and several time-sensitive non-day-job tasks, so a summary will have to do.
- Am making progress on my reading-unread-books project, but over the weekend I went to BookBuyers because they're having a big sale (up to 50% off on all books) because they're either closing or moving soon, and I ended up buying about 35 books, most of which I haven't read before. Counterproductive! Oh, well.
- Making progress on old-family-photo-digitizing-and-organizing project, but very slowly.
- Acquired new Space Black Milanese Loop band for my Apple Watch. So pretty! And sparkly in the sunshine!
- Three days from now, Tesla will start taking pre-orders for the Model 3. I expect to spend most of my morning in line.
- For once, I'm not feeling particularly in need of doing anything birthdayish. Am planning to stay home tonight, maybe watch a movie, maybe just try to make progress on various projects.
- Saw Kam over the weekend, played cards with my brother and sister-in-law and her family on Saturday, met a couple of super-cool new folks on Friday, will be playing boardgames with Lori et al tomorrow night.
- Watched Mockingjay parts 1 and 2 with Kam. Am reading The Difference Engine. Have started watching The Wire.
- Have ordered a USB/Bluetooth typewriter; should arrive in a couple weeks, I think. (Update: It shipped today! So I imagine it'll arrive within the next week.) Am hoping to soon order a couple of new bookcases, including one for display of typewriters and other tchotchkes.
- Haven't even started working on taxes yet.
- Haven't even started working on Hugo nomination ballot yet.
- Haven't even started working on filling out WisCon programming form yet.
- Failed to post last week's Strange Horizons Flashback story, and not sure when I'll get a chance to post that or this week's. Maybe will work on that tonight.
- As of Friday, I had found homes for about 150 of my 400 giveaway books, after a couple weeks of posting lists of books; then I posted to the free-stuff mailing list at work and got a deluge of requests, resulting in another 150 or so being taken in a couple hours. I still have about 100 left to give away (mass-market paperbacks and trade paperbacks and hardcovers); those may go to a library book sale, or, if I can convince my neighborhood HOA, into a Little Free Library. We'll see.
- Am not making any progress on fiction, alas.
- Design for a Constellation Press logo is in progress; I really love the latest mockups. After the logo is done, maybe I'll even make some progress on other plans for the press. We'll see.
- Have been helping Mary Anne get her new site up and running; in particular, wrote code to export 9,000 journal entries (plus comments) from her old journal, and imported them into WordPress using the CSV Importer Improved plugin. I'm a little sad to see the end of the homebrew blogging system I wrote for her long and long ago; but WordPress is a whole lot more robust and featureful. I was particularly pleased to discover that the old comments imported into WP now automatically show pictures in the case of commenters who have Gravatar avatars. Nifty.
- Had a run of five or six very social weekends in a row, and more to come soon; may spend next weekend alone at home to recharge.
Many of those items deserve full posts, but I'm out of time. Thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone! And happy birthday to my co-birthdayites Jess, David, Theo, and Wendy.