Susan’s departure from SH editing
(Short version of this: stop by Susan's departure announcement to say goodbye!)
Last week, my co-editor Susan Marie Groppi announced that she's leaving the Strange Horizons fiction department.
I'm sad to see her go. She's been a core member of the SH staff since she joined around the end of our first month of publication, in fall of 2000—both as a fiction editor for the past eleven years, and, of course, as editor-in-chief of the magazine from 2004 through 2010. I think she's been there longer than anyone else on the staff besides me, and she's done a lot to shape the magazine.
She'll be sticking around as an advisor, but she won't be a fiction editor any more.
In addition to being sad that she's leaving, I'm sad (and puzzled) to see that her announcement of her departure last week seems to have gotten so little attention. I'm a little out of touch with the sf blogosphere at the moment, but I haven't seen anyone post about it, and there are only about five comments in response to Susan's announcement.
I hate to solicit comments—but I gotta think that a lot of people must just not have heard yet, because I would expect there to be a lot more response to such a big change.
So if you've had a story edited by Susan, or if you've read and enjoyed SH fiction anytime in the past eleven years, or if you've even just seen her host a Strange Horizons tea party at WisCon at some point—consider stopping by the abovelinked entry and saying farewell, and thanking her for her work.
(I ought to have posted a farewell entry when Karen stepped down; I'm sorry I didn't. I was sad to see her go, too! But that post got a lot of attention immediately, so it seemed less important to call attention to it.)
(Ended up republishing this an hour later; sorry for any duplication in feeds and such.)