Quotes for the day

Any minute now, I'm going to get up and finish the last of my packing for WisCon. Leaving for the airport in an hour. As usual, don't know how much I'll be posting this weekend.

So I'll sign off for now with two quotes, entirely unrelated to each other:

First, from the Wikipedia entry on the fictional crime syndicate known as the Maggia, from Marvel Comics:

Its structure is somewhat similar to the Mafia[...], but the Maggia differs in that it frequently hires supervillains and mad scientists to work for them.

Second, from Jane Eyre:

He lifted up the sable waves of hair which lay horizontally over his brow, and showed a solid enough mass of intellectual organs, but an abrupt deficiency where the suave sign of benevolence should have risen.

Okay, that's all I got this morning.

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