October submission report

In October, the Strange Horizons fiction department received 444 valid submissions (give or take a couple), making October our 11th-highest-volume month ever. That's an average of a little over 14 stories a day, a bit lower than September's daily average.

The week starting October 25 (the last week before we closed) brought in 117 submissions, tied for sixteenth-highest-volume week we've ever had.

Comparison to recent years: October of 2008 saw 395 subs (a bit over 13/day). October of 2007 got 326 subs (the same 13/day); essentially no change at all from 2007 to 2008. So submission volume has gone up by 12% in the past year.

I'll do a full 2009 stats report at some point, but not until we've finished responding to all subs, which probably won't be until December.

Quick preview of one stat, though: we received just under 4,700 submissions in the ten months of 2009 that we were open to subs; average of about 470 a month, or about 16 per day for the days that we were open.

Oh, and while I'm here: we currently have about 590 stories under consideration; of those, about 385 are left to be read. (The rest are in the queue to be rejected, or awaiting further discussion and decisions.)

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