Amelia and Eleanor go for a ride, if you know what I mean

In a gift shop on Saturday, we came across a kids' book called Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride. The front cover shows Eleanor Roosevelt sitting rather close behind Amelia Earhart. Given the common belief that Roosevelt had at least one same-sex relationship, I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows.

So I opened the book, and was inappropriately tickled by various lines from the first couple pages. For example:

Amelia was daring and liked to try things other women wouldn't even consider.

Eleanor was the very same.


"Bring your husband and come to dinner at my house! You can even sleep over."

There was more that could be read this way in the next page or two, but I didn't write it down and those later pages aren't available in online previews of the book.

Still, there were enough lines that could be read as double entendres that I almost wondered whether the author had slipped them in intentionally. But I doubt it.

Regardless of all that, looked like it could be a good book. I may pick it up next time I see it.

2 Responses to “Amelia and Eleanor go for a ride, if you know what I mean”

  1. cj

    Fun. Always good to have more books about cool women, and the hint of suggestion is never a bad thing. Mrs. Earhart would have been one hundred and twelve this summer. It’s odd you mentioned her, since I was just reading about her yesterday.

  2. cj

    Oh! The illustrator is Brian Selznick. I really, really enjoyed Hugo Cabret. Mr. Selznick’s use of illustration to tell Hugo’s story really sang to me. There is something about Amelia Earhart that always has grabbed my attention. Now I will have to keep an eye out for these two illustrious ladies; anything staring those two and drawn by Mr. Selznick can’t help shining brightly.


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