Online Encore

I still haven't figured out the right way to balance my language blog with my main blog. Whenever I post something language-related that I think would be fun and of general interest, I'm tempted to post it here--which ends up meaning that the stuff I post over there is the less fun and generally-interesting stuff.

So instead I've posted a potentially fun entry over there, and as a compromise I'm linking to it from here.

Specifically, I've posted a game/puzzle that's sort of an online version of Encore, the parlor/board game in which people try to come up with songs whose lyrics contain a given word.

After a too-lengthy introduction (which you can skip--the game itself starts at the section break marked with a horizontal line), I've posted an alphabetical list of 26 words that appear in song lyrics; your task is to come up with songs that contain those words.

Please post answers in the comments to that entry, not here.

One Response to “Online Encore”

  1. jacob

    Would it be possible to generate an RSS feed for comments on the Neology blog? If it’s not too much trouble.


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