Week One, 2008
Submission volume this week, in stories per day, went: 45, 27, 25, 24, 17.
So we had a total of 138 valid subs this first week, averaging about 28 per day, a lot lower than I was expecting. I always wonder, when I post something about submission volume and then it drops precipitously, whether my post had anything to do with the shift. (In particular, I wonder whether some writers see the announcement that volume has been unusually high, and decide to hold off on submitting until volume is lower.)
It was still the second-highest-volume week ever. And although last year's first week of January retains the highest-volume-week title at 161 subs, that was a six-day week, while this week we had only five days; so this week was slightly higher in terms of subs per day.
I'm still expecting we'll get well over 500 subs this month, but I'm no longer expecting 700, and not even as confident as I was that we'll get 600.
Of course, if my theory about my journal entries affecting volume is right, then this entry should result in a flood of held-back submissions from people who figured they'd wait 'til volume went down. :) We'll see.