Assorted sf notes
Some deadlines, to-do items, and con-related notes, and more good news for SH.
- Sadly, WisCon's hotel has no more rooms available. There are other hotels nearby, though, that still have rooms.
- WisCon membership will be capped at 1000 members. If you want to go but haven't yet bought your membership, act soon.
- For those who want to be on panels and such at WisCon, be sure to fill in the program participant form before February 20.
- The deadline for nominating works for a Hugo award is still March 10. Unfortunately, you can nominate only if you were a member of last year's WorldCon or this year's by January 31.
- Which reminds me: Thanks to Cheryl for pointing out (by way of Chris Roberson) that the Campbell eligibility FAQ says, regarding the quasi-change in rules: "The 2006 Hugo Award administrator, John Lorentz, will err on the side of preserving eligibility." It also says that if you have simple questions about eligibility, you can contact David Walton, who's helping run the unofficial eligibility site; if you have more complex specific questions, you can contact the Hugo administrator, who has final say in all such matters. I've been meaning to go through all the SH authors for the past couple years and see if any of them are eligible who aren't on the list, but I'm too sleepy to do that tonight.
- Speaking of things to do in preparation for cons, if you're going to LACon IV (the 2006 WorldCon, coming this August, though not Labor Day weekend--and note that the con runs Wednesday through Sunday instead of the more traditional Thursday through Monday), you may as well go buy a membership. And reserve a hotel room; remember that you can cancel hotel room reservations as late as three days before you're due to arrive. I now have a room in the Hilton Anaheim, which is apparently slightly closer to the convention center than the other hotel is.
- Kathryn Cramer has now posted the TOC for her and David Hartwell's Year's Best Fantasy 6. I already knew that there was at least one SH reprint in that book; what I hadn't known was that there are three. I'm totally thrilled. I've updated the SH awards page accordingly. For those keeping count at home, this brings us to at least eight different SH stories being reprinted in various Year's Bests, where our previous maximum was three in a given year. Interestingly, none of the SH reprints from 2005 appears in more than one Year's Best so far. (And no repeated authors, either, but that's not so surprising, given that there are only three authors who we printed more than one story by in 2005.)