More Campbell info

I'm guessing that by now the people who care about this have seen it, but just in case, the new Campbell rules have been posted at the Interaction (WorldCon 2005) site, with a more detailed rules page at the Noreascon 4 (WorldCon 2004) site.

The general idea is indeed that SFWA-qualifying pro markets are now also Campbell-qualifying pro markets (it's a little more complicated than that, but that's a decent approximation). And yes, that includes online publications.

So appearance in SH will now start the Campbell clock ticking.

I'm a little unclear on what's happening during the transition period (which is to say, this year and, hopefully, next year); the Hugo administrators appear to be trying to ease the transition and not cost anyone their eligibility, but it looks to me like the current approach is going to mean some people's eligibility periods are condensed from two years down to, well, this week. (There are something like 14 SH authors in this situation, unfortunately.) But I'm hoping that between this year's and next year's Hugo administrators, something can be done about that; I don't think anybody involved in the process wants to eliminate anyone's eligibility period. But we'll see what happens.

(My understanding is that next year's WorldCon hasn't yet picked a Hugo administrator. If one of you reading this ends up volunteering for the job, come ask me for my suggestions on how to most fairly resolve the issue. :) )

I was going to go on to discuss some numbers for the future, guessing how much bigger the Campbell-eligible authors list is likely to be each year, talking about whether the change will be overall good or bad for new writers, etc. But it's late, and I have a lot of other stuff I need to do, so I think I'll leave it here for now.

2 Responses to “More Campbell info”

  1. David Moles

    Poor Jim. That’s a lot of HTML to edit.

  2. John Scalzi

    “the Hugo administrators appear to be trying to ease the transition and not cost anyone their eligibility, but it looks to me like the current approach is going to mean some people’s eligibility periods are condensed from two years down to, well, this week.”

    Or, in my case, their eligibility has already expired.

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