Tea party: more info

On the very off chance that someone who needs this info looks at this journal in the next hour, we have a room number for the tea party: Sheraton room 716, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. today. I'm assuming that's in the north tower, but presumably the front desk would know for sure.

Btw, so far I've counted 34 of our fiction authors at WorldCon. Quite a few of our other contributors as well.

And speaking of our contributors: huge congratulations to the three of them who won awards last night!

The Best Fan Artist Hugo went to Frank Wu (who did a gallery and an illustration for us back in 2001); the Best Fanzine Hugo went to Cheryl Morgan's Emerald City (Cheryl has written a whole bunch of interviews and other articles for us); the John W. Campbell not-a-Hugo Award for Best New Writer went to Jay Lake (we've published a bunch of stuff by and about Jay). For the rest of the award results, see the Noreascon site; they'll presumably have detailed voting results up sometime soon.

2 Responses to “Tea party: more info”

  1. David Moles

    So who accepted for Gollum?

  2. Jed

    Sadly, the executive producer (?) sent along a brief video clip of himself saying in a very wooden sort of way that he and everyone associated with the movie were very pleased by the award. But it’s possible it was some kind of joke that I just didn’t get.


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