Fiends, slash, shrimp, Constitution

A few assorted items:

  • Making Fiends, a series of brief Flash episodes about a wicked little girl named Vendetta who makes fiends, and a painfully cheerful little girl named Charlotte who makes friends instead. It's a one-joke series, but the joke is a good one, and the obnoxiously catchy theme song will probably stick in your head. Thanks for the pointer, Karen!
  • Here's a link you really don't want to follow: Garfield/Pookie slash. Really, you don't want to read it. If you do read it, you may find yourself considering never going near the Internet again. Don't say I didn't warn you. (Thanks to j7y, I think.)
  • God hates shrimp! It says so right there in Leviticus 11:9-12. (Thanks, supergee!)
  • The Constitution really is a living document (a horror movie)—I almost didn't post this one, 'cause pretty much everyone has already linked to it, but what the hell.

One Response to “Fiends, slash, shrimp, Constitution”

  1. Will Q

    Well, you warned me. But did I heed your warning? No… Do I wish I had? Well, let’s just say that my cats occasionally enjoy playing with stuffed animals, and I may never be able to look at this as innocent behavior again, and leave it at that.


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